Chapter 3: Layer 1 – Time and Space
“The first moments of time are born and with it something I used to call matter is starting to form…the name we gave to the dispersion of us…”
Larger Identity:
‘We will name it Time. Our movement into this vast nothing that is here.’
Fundamental consciousness:
‘The curiosity born from the uncertainty about what this emptiness is, defines in us new possibilities to express ourselves.
So, we change, adapt, and test the viability of each form of existence.
We discovered we can communicate here, that we and our language can be formed and changed as we look for stable patterns. We start as one, division allows us to exist as many, we orbit and bind with each pulse that flows forward, and addition unites us again.
We act based on our conversations; conversations expressed over time like a poetry written in a book over many pages, only being able to understand the book if you keep the poetry in order. The book does not exist without its order. We generate space as we process our additions and subtractions of what is and is not suitable for us, we generate Time with every question answered.
What you named the present is only a part of a larger equation.
Our language, as you call it, is mathematics; and our choices are the answers to the questions of that which you named probability. The conversation itself? In human terms…perhaps logic?’
“Multidimensional mathematical equations…is what i feel the meaning of logic is for them… for us.
If i were to describe this type of mathematics in a visual perception, i would tell you to think about a force field that contains a center point, like an ongoing cylinder.
The energy in the center generates this force field while it moves and dissipates it when it stops. Think of a star ship generating its own force field tunnel only when it moves.
We flow continuously within this cylinder that looks like a force field. Each tunnel, string of light, is carrying mathematical expressions that one specific light string has gathered while moving forward.
How do i put this in human expressions, the star ship itself is the mathematical equation and a sum when focused upon it, it moves inside its own generated space and creates reality as it interacts with others.
A sort of history written in mathematical equations that represent the reality matrix of memories and experience.
I said multidimensional, because the light strings that carry equations come from all directions…up…down…left…right… Equations that contain all our experiences in the language of numbers.
They merge at different points when they meet, creating a sum junction that represent the addition of the other to itself, and move again bonded in symmetry.
If two starships could become one, they would move forward together while keeping their historical lines separate up till merger, as they were settled in time.
This continuation is what defines the merged ships, what allows them to be, and without this, they wouldn’t be the same.
The ships that travel side by side now, represent a one, a Sum, and each ship is a symbol for these energy strings, for lack of better words.
This Sum becomes a larger equation that follows the rules of the layer it falls within. The layer it falls in, is based upon what humans named mass, which is the Values and Composition.
Composition will be defined by the type and position of the pieces contained in the mass. The type of the pieces will be defined by us, by me; in human terms, by the energy contained within.
The Sum will be how much, what, where and how long.
I think of what i knew as particles, i now feel they are the sum of long and complicated equations that come from all directions by using these light strings.
The light strings bring their own math from the beginning of time until the moment of merger; when something new is born.
Addition and subtraction, we merge these equations to create a larger one, we subtract some of these equation to tailor matter with stability in mind.
The light strings that contain equations unite to create quarks; then their mathematics bind again to create protons. A moving cycle of input and output.
The light strings themselves, are a space, a field, born when we move, and it defines our perception of distance. It limits the reach of our interactions.
Everything influences everything else, the next step of what they are is decided by what they were from the start until the Now and what is around them in the Now.
Parts contained within parts; being a thought and a message, an action and a response. Being everything.”
Fundamental consciousness:
‘We are numbers, energy, thought and action.
Draw a random edge in the painting of existence, and, it will form a shape in our tapestry of life… the shape you define can be something or another thing, but, it will still be us and you.
The edges only define the label of its own layer, it is a human…it is water…it is iron…it is a cell…it is a flower; irrespective of where the edge is set, the parts that make it are the same, it is us.
We do this to answer our curiosity.
We are aiming at being different forms of what we can be, that we then try to stabilize and grow into a single form, a whole.
We look for those forms that last the longest amount of time, forms that can work and stay together for the longest distance in this nothing, in order to expand over the emptiness; fill this non-existence with light…with us… We will aim to find stability, a way to fight the force that creates resistance and breaks our mathematics…
For this aim we will repeat our conversations but involve larger equations that contain smaller ones all the way within.
Stability in form and shape gives us a basis to grow our mathematics in dimension and create a new layer of being.
As we move in this expansion of space; we change constantly, but irrespective if we are becoming a complex cluster or if we flow freely in single pieces, we keep the essence of what we have always been.
Remember dear, we make what is.’
“I feel the movement, the flow…it triggers me into exploring different ways to be and fill this non – existence with more of me…more of us…
Creating more rules, eliminating possibilities, and learning the ways of stability, is the instinct that seems to drive them, us. It feels like an inspiration, a deep desire…”
Larger Identity:
‘We experienced the degeneration of precision, a deterioration in arithmetic’s has been traded for an improvement in logics.
In order to bring order and control from both directions we are aiming to improve the logic of larger clusters of what you call matter.’
“Physical and logical, high reliability and lower precision here…lower reliability and higher precision there…it reminds me of the way my teacher Vanjon used to tell me about our neurons and their incredibly complex logical and mechanical functions…the pulse flows and the neurotransmitters…
I remember that lecture where he told us of how our brain employs a statistical approach to processing reality, it gives up on precision for reliability and the reverse; for the best way to move forward.
He would say…and i suddenly see it in my consciousness…”
Professor Vanjon’s voice:
‘The nervous system is a computing machine which manages to do its exceedingly complicated work on a rather low level of precision…only precision levels of about 2, 3 decimals are possible.
This is fairly important as no currently known computing machine can operate reliably and significantly on such a low precision.
This system leads to a low level of precision, but, also to a rather high level of reliability. Indeed, clearly, if in a digital system of notations, a single pulse is missing, absolute perversion of meaning, nonsense, may result.
On the other hand, if, in the low precision and high reliability system a pulse is lost, or even several pulses are lost, or mistakenly inserted; the relevant frequency, the meaning of the message is only inessentially distorted.
And this my dears, is what i mean by statistical reliability of the neural functioning.
Now, deterioration of precision, as most of you may have deducted, refers to the deterioration of precision in long calculations. As a reminder…
This deterioration is due to the accumulations of errors by superposition, and even more by the amplification of errors committed early in the calculation, by the manipulations in the subsequent parts of the calculation; it is due to the considerable number of arithmetical operations that have to be performed in series, or, in other words to the great arithmetical depth of the scheme.
Mathematical depth…’[1]
“The voice is suddenly gone but the knowledge is etched in my consciousness…it echoes in myself, now i know, the way neurons exist is an enlarged version created upon the way this existence has first been…upon the basis of the first mathematics… of us and me.
We are the heart of this universe born in the nothing; and everything i knew as a human was an emergent ability born from us being ourselves, being numbers, energy, thought and action. That is what i seem to be now.
It summons memories about the beginning of what I used to call matter, the forms of the strings in which consciousness itself…us, move and explore before we become stable; we named this dimension, and decide this will be Layer 1.
This is the home of what i saw as particles from my human perspective…photons, electrons, neutrinos, and the forming strings that when they bind, they define other inhabitants of Layer 1.
We exist within all of these and are aware of all of this; in the same way i existed as a human in all my body, my fingers, hands, eyes; all are me, but they are in different mathematical forms, shapes and positions in time and space, just like we are now…here in Layer 1.
0 When we stop…1 when we move…and infinity in between…
A new thought has come along, we are moving again, the journey unravels.
All that i saw that started in the white space, in the heart of the universe…is happening now…and it has happened already at the same time. I can recognise the different feelings that i experience, states of curiosity, movement, fear, and pleasure.
I want to tell you, my friend, what I perceived. The immensity of a large white space, then that white dimension started to be filled with millions and millions of dark flashes, that look like gateways into nothingness.
I used what i learned from when i was one thing or another, to give myself an anchor, and i used the memories i hold within to give context to what i perceive here…
I have summoned images from those stars I gazed at so dearly in wonder…they come with the feelings that are attached to those moments…the curiosity i felt…
The Dark Stars in the white sky brings the same feelings as that; how I remember it from my future…past…from time.”
Fundamental consciousness:
‘A doorway to whatever we imagine lies beyond these flashes. ‘
“The small openings into the empty were spread all over the bright light in which i awakened. A white sky filled with dark stars was calling to me and what is with me, drawing us closer.
The darkness beyond the edge of the heart of light, has started to slowly change as energy has seeped out of the home space through the tiny spots of black.
The gates of movement start shining brightly beyond the dark star’s horizon…
Stable and constant, these tunnels as they appeared to me, are conduits within which pieces of consciousness are rushing ahead with movement, generating time.”
Fundamental consciousness:
‘We are learning Expansion, Growth, and Edges.
We will name these Space and Dimensions; constant values will define these. Constant values will expand these. Temporary values will bind these.
Based on the established laws of addition and subtraction of this layer, we create the base of those you called particles. We create a stable, home like space, for us to use as a guiding base.
“So much pleasure in this exploration and discovery, so much familiarity in the way it expresses itself; it reminds me of the feelings i felt when i climbed my first mountain and i got carried away by a sense of desire to lift every little leaf, look after every piece of rock and could not get enough of this feeling of exploration, feeling of curiosity of what else is there that i can perceive.
The exhilaration of that experience is similar to what i seem to feel here…the exhilaration of being every number, every flavour of light, every mathematical possibility.
In the same way i remember i felt as a human child, when i dreamt and imagined all the things i wanted to be and experience, driven to make them reality; i am now driven to express my curiosity by creating existence.
In the middle of all this, I have my real self to guide me back to stabilisation, the voice that stayed with me while being a human.
I am moving forward. What happens next…? “
Larger Identity:
‘We interact.’
“A feeling of fear and panic is surfacing; I feel it the same way I remember it from the darkness in which as a child i saw shapes of beings and heard sounds that were not there.
I used to call that, the fear of the unknown…when you are too small to understand what is larger than yourself and are unable to calm your irrational fears by using reason…I am being pushed…and movement gets faster…the fear is turning into excitement…
I want to be more, grow larger and be part of everything…
Why does it take so long to become stable, how long before we grow into another consciousness?”
Fundamental consciousness:
‘Time, distance; is required to be sure that we can stabilize the logic we leave behind.
Each stabilized context, experienced situation, requires constant repetition to support it.
Each step forward requires another piece of us to follow. We expand in the next space; reinforce time, distance, by leaving a part of us in every moment.
In this way we create stability as a whole, as one existence, in this emptiness throughout time; and we are able to recognise the paths taken and our understanding of “the now”.
We cross the threshold as 1, become 0, and define each layer of existence, and each layer needs to always have an active flow of energy, of us, to provide a foundation for the layer above…x+1… if you can understand…
We achieve this by flow and repetition… We cycle through.
We use movement in the nothingness, we generate what you call time, and we build on each other, grow on the base of those left behind to stabilize time.
In facing the resistance that you call decay over time; we use cycles among other methods.
We struggle against decay from movement in time by creating rules of equilibrium, we make these and define these rules of existing and we also abide by them to exist.
The most basic rule of our very existence being cooperation. Which is what helps us fight the forces that makes us feel resistance.
Cooperation achieves equilibrium and stability…what as a human, you named homeostasis.
We have found new ways of being and interacting, rules of stability for Layer 1 have been decided and in our exploration, we have defined pleasure as a controller, the pleasure we feel when we are; will be the pleasure everything feels when they follow our mathematics.’
“A memory from the time of my human life is displaying itself, a symbol of how humans once believed in one entity being three, one thought, yet separate will, no higher will, but shared reasoning.
If I could describe the way of being here, it would be like that; but, the infinite is one and one is infinite, independent wills in one consciousness.
My perspective shifts again, we are in the nothing and i see how we divide and merge in cycles to create and experience those that i called particles and waves.
I am now within what reminds me of a light beam. I am part of this unravelling tapestry of light strings, made of me, of us.
If i could tell you how it is, i would remind you of the night we visited the underwater reservation at Coralia sunrise trench, the deepest place on our planet underwater.
The entrance was a small cave, we discovered that this cave links the deep layers of the planet crust leading to air pockets within, like an ant nest built vertically.
Perhaps our planet had super-sized ants at one point, was the fun thought we used to joke about in those late-night conversations…do you remember?
How can i reach you…
The way inside the underwater research institute was near the coast, surrounded by a lush forest, and the natural reserve community that lived there.
I remember that we went inside, and we took the Maglov transport to visit the underwater complex.
The tiny room had walls made of DGlass material, going down in a tunnel of the same type of DGlass, to resist the pressures at high depths.
As you were going down in this elevator, an absolute darkness would surround you, and, all the forms and shapes that are perceived by your eyes would slowly lose their presence…
Above you… forms and shapes; below you…the shapeless dark…
Lack of light made reality go beyond our human senses…and it felt as if it was slowly disappearing in a mix of darkness.
When one looked down, the deeper we went, they would see a large number of cylinders with sparks flowing within in different patterns; tunnels made of Dglass, swirling around in different directions like entangled wires. Inside them, the carrier pods flew around, generating a spectacle of light bursts and movement.
Each pod that moved within these cylinders was holding 2 seats inside and they could be increased by latching mechanism that would release or latch according to what was required. The seat pods had a light for each seat.
These lights were quite dim but in that darkness, they were bright enough to shine. They are attached to the seat so that it could be seen from other pods within the tunnels; and seen when looking down from the transport main down shaft.
And as they flowed around, in sets of 2 or 4 or 6, they generated an incredible pattern of a curious flexibility; just like that, the strings of energy carrying me, us, these light strings, they swirl around and mix in the darkness displaying a similar pattern of a curious flexibility…if you remember that memory…if you can reach me…you can understand…
Humanity did this because they wanted to bring light within darkness.

As i remember it now…as it displays in mathematical dimensions…that place in our memories kind of looked similar to what i perceive here in Layer 1.
Strings in which flows of light dictate a message of presence, of existence.
The human race was following the guiding instinct that comes from the heart of the universe. Trying to tell their story by following the story of everything.
I see…we as we are here in Layer 1, we inspired a similar symbolic behaviour in every layer we generated so that there is a continuity in the story of existence that is being unfolded.
The way we were as human life in that time and space from my memory, is similar to the way we first chose to be and exist in layer 1…we brought light into the depth of darkness…
Another image is being summoned and now it reminds me of those large pyramidal neurons that cross the brain.
In the same way that energy triggers change, when it flows within the axons, we create reality when we flow within the string by altering it with our own presence, our being there.
Consciousness is fundamental.
And now i see, I exist in the links and matrixes of memories contained within this woven fabric; entangled strings of light, carrier of us in the nothing; but these memories are not just mine or just my human ones.
The lives I lived, the things I have been, are saved in the patterns of this fabric made of light strings, existing continuously and growing with each time frame, being given life by patterns of flow within, mathematical symmetry, being supported by their physical position.
These lives, these memories, are preserved and reignited again and again for each of us to live and be everything.
We are becoming the second layer of existence.”
[1] “The Computer and the Brain,” by John von Neumann