Amina was a child from The City of Aghlabids, a social construct, a city, built and designed for the research of science with the goal of uniting all brilliant minds in one place, in order to enhance the depth of ideas and ingenuity on specific specializations.
In her time, cities were built for the people and developed on the main fields of study, their home was a choice of passion, moving where they could learn what they felt naturally inclined towards.
The colonies were kept within a limit of 250 people, after which a new hive cluster was design for the new citizens. They were built in a honeycomb-like structure so the logistic of transport and space proficiency can be achieved.
Very often the families that grew in numbers chose to move to the new Hive Cluster in order to support its development, and to make room for the transitions required in order for their society to be highly adaptable and not fear change or the new.
The young ones who grew up and wanted to explore, would move in their place, this ensured a balance, a constant flow of mixing young and old.
By being together and being passionate about similar concepts, the ones who think alike managed to inspire each other and create friendships that support creativity and the evolution of their solutions.
We now enjoyed our responsibilities as they were natural for us, and this helped bring our best contribution to society.
In the year of 2289, the world existed in a different way. By the time she was born, Humanity was cooperating and working together in the interest of all.
We have learned how to use microbial life forms to change entire planets, and maintain our home planet by the same methods. Ideas like the breathing wall, which allowed us to build a system combining cyanobacterium life forms, with AI and technology, that literally breathed air into our ships and underground research outposts.
The invention that propelled our space era has also been discovered; the machine designed to simulate the so much required artificial gravity. With all of these and many more changes, both socially and technologically, that happened as time moved forward, humanity was experiencing a golden age of Peace and Progression.
It started with a small group of passionate and dedicated people, all who valued the planet and saw the dangers they were heading towards.
They began to point it out and worked towards the goal of informing and educating more people what following this lethal path signified. They made them aware of the alternatives that they could have been looking for, and actually do exist. Inspired by the way some animals respect the place they live in by supporting its existence in a symbiosis, they argued, we should also become the protectors of our nature and planet’s natural equilibrium.
They thought of and planned multiple social solutions that helped humanity as a race, on a global scale.
This marked the beginning of integrating ideas like, permaculture, rain harvesting, energy harvesting with non-polluting machines, underground water restore pits and general regenerative agriculture, we took these and made them into expected social behaviour.
Teaching how to be practical and involved, and doing so themselves, they aimed to change how we think of us as a community and as an effect, it improved our behaviour towards what is around us.
The first step was to remove the imaginary separations and borders our ancestors, knowing and understanding too little, set in place.
Today, we use the old names as a Romantic gesture, but all colonies have a technical designation in parallel, that is used for practical purposes.
Back in those times, these people gathered voluntarily all around the world to replant forests, clean lakes, and rivers, developing technology that enabled a large effect in a short time, like tree planting drones that later became crop planters and collectors, among other good ideas.
In this way, they were able to span the area they affected, and hundreds of hectares could be reforested in a short time, hundreds of hectares of grains and other requirements were planted and harvested at faster speeds.
These resources eventually fell under the management of the Planetary Council leadership, and they distributed across the new hive colonies what was needed based on data statistics of usage. All these initiatives began back then.
Additionally, the sea was being cleaned by octopus-like underwater drones that roamed the waters, picking up trash. These drones were centrally coordinated by our AI, which served as the logistic head. Decisions were made cooperatively, blending human supervision with the AI’s data capabilities.
We built a powerful AI born from the minds of the best neurologists and engineers, we integrated this into our technological everything. From our light environments to the way we travelled and the way we decided to open a new city, eat, build houses and many other areas. Behind the successful integration of all these ideas, was the support of this LogixAI, an open-source AI platform created from the inspiration of our wise and passionate people.
An ethical law system was developed by our best sociologists and philosophers, a routine deeply rooted in its quantum digital neocortex.
The machines, The AI, is for us now, what human awareness represents for the societies of cells living inside us. A centralized mind that can bring a better, more balanced long-term survival.
In a natural growth of awareness and consciousness, we have learned to give more credit to our own bodies, and, listen more to the communication that occurs within our host, that gets transmitted forward to our minds.
And with this, we stopped fearing evolution and advanced technology; since we are evolution and advanced technology ourselves, for other lifeforms that live in other, smaller dimensions.
Today we understand, the states of feelings a human gets to experience during a lifetime are forms of communication within layers that do not use words as a language, the way our inner layers, the basis of existence, talks to their “advanced technology.
In that age of evolution, there are many such projects like these that are recorded in our history as started by this group of people, The Valients.[1]
Eventually those ideas grew and created what Amina knew as home, as reality.
The actions of the first Valients in a time long gone, without a doubt, changed our future.
Their ideas, solutions, and approach towards how to tackle problems of the world, eventually became a world-wide base educational system, and was taught in every home and school.
In our “today”, the Planetary Council leadership is using these technologies to provide safety, food, shelter and creative opportunities among others. Technologies like 3D house printing machines, automated cleaning, the AI named Friend which was integrated in our social ways, the cooking automatons and many others, were a integral part of giving us a long healthy life and more time to explore and be curious.
The duty of the Planetary Council is to ensure we have our daily needs covered, so we can focus and give in return our passion and involvement to achieve the potential of Human Society. This made us kinder, there was, and there is, no need for distrust or harm anymore.
A class called “How can we help?” was added in the base curriculums and much material was born for it, as there was an endless sea of good ideas from simple people who truly wanted to help create a functioning system for the future.
[1] The Valients: A term derived from the word ‘valiant,’ meaning possessing or showing courage or determination.
When it all started, it happened as a freedom speaker once said:
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”[1]
The Valients took this to heart and started a campaign intended to teach us from a young age the need for, and importance of, open and honest communication, cooperation, trust, and how even if peace may seem to be an impossible concept when looking at humanity’s history; cooperation with an honourable goal is what they considered to be the closest thing to it, temporary peace.
Slowly, in time, their numbers grew larger and people all over the world started to see the nonsense of borders, and older social systems built out of human selfishness.
We started to see the lack of reason in segregated countries based on where one was born and other similar policies that were meant to divide us, instead of providing the proper context for us to grow together and enjoy our short lives.
After many years of education and growth as humans, we understood that the segregation is only important in practical functional places, such as self-driving cars or traveling paths, area of position and so on. But laws, rules, benefits, and the social system, should not stop at the borders of a piece of land or country.
Instead, the social rules and laws were now thought of, and decided by thinking of all those that are human on this planet, Celeste and beyond.
Irrespective of what made you to be you, everyone is an integral part of society and taken into account when deciding how to move forward.
This was the end of the old long lived social system of separation, and this is what changed the planet, and how the world looked like in Amina’s time.
[1] This quote is attributed to Nelson Mandela, the anti-apartheid revolutionary who became the President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. Mandela believed deeply in the transformative power of education, emphasizing its importance in fostering individual empowerment and promoting social change.
It was not easy nor comfortable.
Our history records show that the old system of lies and separation, together with all the greed of the few who had too much at the cost of the many having too little, made us give up hope.
It pushed people that would normally be kind and joyful, to harm out of desperation, to lose their life by choosing to end it as the suffering was unbearable. We were losing all hope. The old social system deceived us into thinking that the way it was, is the way it should be, and only this can work.
On top of everything there was also the excessive damage we caused to our environment, it was common for them not to support hope for a better future anymore, to think it was impossible.
Depression was one of the largest problems of society at that time, the lack of will to hope, to fight, to believe change is possible and that it falls on us to bring it into reality.
The feeling that there isn’t any future worth living at all, pushed us to the edge of darkness, climate disaster and death. Many years were required for us to understand we are society, and we need to change first.
It took large amounts of faith in oneself and humanity’s potential to take the next step, the first step towards fixing a very big mess that started long ago.
The future was looking gloomy, but a day came, after a long time of preparation and education of the masses, when all citizens of the world decided it is time to change direction and force the leaderships into submission, proving that the seeds of education and hard work can sprout and give birth to a better way of living.
It was the most unity that the race of humans on this planet have ever experienced, the apogee of human cooperation.
The People demanded the creation of a council of educated humans from all fields of science and research fields, in order to have a balanced leadership with understanding of what is real and important.
This council was meant to debate the re-design of the social systems, of the broken in pieces world, into one meant for the everyone and everything, into a unified human race and social system.
This was not looked upon kindly, especially by those who held the power, and those who had the power for hundreds of years.
The sacrifices were large, and many died or went the wrong way becoming corrupt, setting traps, framing people, trying to abuse everything they can, at every corner, and becoming unwilling to help in the process of trying to make a change.
But, as time continued, the obstacles were gone and those who have decided to move ahead proved things can change. Among these people lived Marcel, he was the ancestor of Kharis who was Amina’s dear friend and love, Marcel was one of the leaders who initiated The Week of Silence.
A week of silence, a week where no human soul left their house to go to work, during this week, they refused to use any state or private provided facilities of those who owned much and did not care to support others or a united future for Humanity.
They did everything so that they can sabotage the rich and uncaring without engaging violence, they simply refused to be a part of it all, as they were the part that gave them power.
During this time, people went into the streets and silently walked across the roads in all the major capital cities of the world, slowly walking while holding up very deep images meant to portray the sad story called Humanity.
Their protest was meant to convey the silence that will fall on this Planet, the silence of Death, left behind by a civilization, the silence of our extinction.
An initial first week that turned into a long 3 years of hardship and fights for a united world.
In the ancient society there were those who enjoyed abuse and power and did not want for anything to change, and since they owned the power of those days via resources or manipulation, the first attempt in trying to stop the masses and protests, was to starve them and feed them according to how much they submit.
It was a struggle as we humans value our energy sources, our food, and this drives our basic instincts, pushes us to save our own existence as it is, leaving reason out of the equation.
For those that found ways around the lack of food, and did not submit, the ones in power went a step further, trying to rob them of their society provided basic needs one by one.
Many gave up, tired, lacking the basic requirements, being left with no home or job or possibility to find a way to live. No alternatives brought desperation, and desperation brought pain and suffering to everyone.
Among the methods used to make the many submit, owners of large housing complexes locked down houses and would not rent to the Valiant, closing shops and markets and clothing stores or denying service to them.
They went as far as refusing to give medical care to those who wanted Planetary Unification and change.
They were forcing people into extreme living conditions where they would struggle for money, jobs, food, housing. It made sense many would retreat from the fight for unity, as life for them was being made impossible by their own race.
The attacks were strong, and our own life sometimes takes priority irrespective of the context, understandable, as we believed we only live once, and this makes one fearful.
There was a cultural saying that was born in those times… “Fear is meant to set you free when true understanding can take its place.”
We tend to stop fearing when we understand.
In the pain, struggle and contradictions, something unexpected occurred. What nobody in the rank of the rich saw coming was the numbers.
The numbers of those who were willing to unite and while living in all these conditions found one another.
They helped each other survive by sharing lands they owned, which the rich could not touch, as they took a page from the actions of the powerful and unchanging; they exploited the loops in the old rules of a non-united planet to protect themselves.
In these spaces, houses were built with 3D printers, and shared gardens for food were planted to feed themselves while energy was gathered from the water/air/sun trio.
These are recorded as the first communities that lived in the new way, using eco-tech designs to become self-sustained. “Living smart and not fancy” was the principle that was passed around in these communities.
The Valiants reinvented an older ideal of how to live, we adapted socialism[1] to fit the times of freedom and used this as a base to grow on; we gained the proper understanding of “How things work” and “How they work together”, and this was the sum of what gave birth to what we know today as home and society.
They argued that the social system itself failed the first time through no fault of its logic, but, due to the ones who were unable to protect and apply its values, and they were determined to do it right this time.
A new social cooperative of sorts was born, based upon which we have built what Amina knew as her world and society.
The simple thought that there is an entire community who’s working towards building a new system and assisting each other so they can all live in peace, made it easier for people to give up what they had, and start a new life in a new way.
This was a moment of crossroads, and it was people, who gave people hope in the end, and that hope, is what created Amina’s Society.
[1] The ideals of socialism emphasize equal access to resources and opportunities, the equitable distribution of wealth, and the collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production. Central to socialism is the belief that every individual, regardless of their background or circumstances, should have their basic needs met and should benefit fairly from society’s collective resources and efforts.